Sunday, May 24, 2009

"I Love your Sunny, Funny Face"

This is what happens when you tell a 6 year old to hold onto the camera.
Zack totally cracks himself up.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"On the Isle of Oahu, the Day is Just Begun"

Recipe for a Perfect Family Holiday

Take three fabulous, fun children:

and this view from our hotel room balcony.

Mix in favorite beaches,

gorgeous scenery,


and a mini luau complete with fireworks.

Temper with a trip to Pearl Harbor.

Shake vigorously with friends, new (Thanks Dean & Karen!) and old (Hi Kevin, Jennie & Ainsley!),
and another look at the cute kids.

Serve with Pina Coladas. And beer. And Mai Tai's.

Serves five. Happily.