Saturday, June 14, 2008

"When you were only startin' to go to Kindergarten"

Zack's final day of preschool was on Thursday of last week. He thought long and hard about his perfect graduation outfit and came up with this, which I have decided is the sartorial equivalent of a mullet:
Business on the top,

party on the bottom.

His teachers:

Mrs. Witherspoon

and Miss Houston.

Zack's best friend from school, Alfonso.

Chanelle & Cheyenne. Can you guess which one had a year long crush on Zack?

Kendall's TUBS teacher, Miss Sara, was there, too. Kendall LOVES Miss Sara. Their mutual love of animals (especially dogs) makes them kindred spirits.

Congratulations, Zack! You had such a fantastic year and we are so proud of you!