Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"But have you fed the fish today?"

I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of our family.

This is Death Zone.
We received D.Z. at a U of R Halloween Carnival. This, of course, was about twenty minutes after I left for work with the parting words to my loving husband, "Honey, whatever you do, please don't let them win a fish."
When I got home that night, he was sitting in a cup on the table.
Actually, he's starting to grow on me. He doesn't shed or poop in the yard. He doesn't hump every ball we own. He doesn't shred his doggy pillows. (I'm looking at you, Freddie...) Of course, he also doesn't get fed a whole lot. Which is why I decided to take wagers on Death Zone's Death Day.
I'll give excellent odds...