Friday, November 7, 2008

"She needs Fabulous"

Kendall got a haircut!

Actually, both of the girls got haircuts, but Ryleigh didn't like any of the pictures of her, so here you go. If you'd like, you can picture Ry in the green shirt next to Kendall with an identical 'do. Go Ahead. We'll wait.But Kendall! How frickin' cute is she?
She told the hairdresser that she wanted her hair washed, cut like Ryleigh's, blow-dried & styled, thank you very much. I wish I'd brought my camera to the salon, because then I could have documented the beginning stages of my three year old's journey to becoming a trophy wife. Next she'll be asking me to take her to Dr. Stab for her Botox injections.
P.S. The fish is actually named Dead Zone. My bad. And, for those of you keeping score, he's still alive. I think. I haven't checked in a day or two.